Good morning from SeaTac airport

6/25/2024 5:02 am | Share to:

I got up even earlier than I had planned because I was within an hour of my alarm and at that point my body won't let me go back to sleep. So here I am, mildly caffeinated, and sitting at a power outlet for a few hours before my flight.

On Psychology & a Rewrite

Last night, as I was tweaking Glowbug code, I began thinking I might just need to start new on the backend. The current system is five years old at this point and while it is still quite serviceable, there are also quality of life things I need to work on which I keep putting off because I just don't want to wade into the code.

The irony, of course, being that a complete rewrite would be magnitudes more work.

Brains are funny that way.

Flight Entertainment

As mentioned, I am at the airport with a day of travel ahead of me. I've loaded up on entertainment so expect some reviews once I land:

Movies & TV



Too many. I'll list some, but I checked last night and I carry nearly 3 gigs of ebooks on my reader.

Really, the list goes on. I am an eclectic reader and I have an addiction to acquiring ebooks for my virtual library.

And now I must go in search of more caffeine.