7/15/2022 8:30 am | Share to:
A few of this morning's random thoughts while getting ready and then driving to the office:
- I was wondering what would happen if a video streaming service opened their service up via API and let fans create apps. Obviously you would still need to lock it down in terms of authentication being tied to your subscribed account, etc. But so many of these apps are, well, bad - I'd love to put it in the hands of people who are passionate and not restrained by corporate structures, directives, and financing.
- I was thinking about getting back to writing fiction. I need to finish my first book (it's still bad in my opinion.)
- I had some thoughts about my current tabletop campaign, but I won't include them here for fear of tipping off my players (though, I'm unaware of any of them reading this blog.)
- I was thinking I need to add an archive which collects my posts which I give their own pages, so folks can see an archive of my "longer form" writing on this blog. Along with that, I want to move this to trickjarrett.com proper and archive my old wordpress blog. So that is a future project for sometime.
- During my drive I began thinking out loud about an entry about the building blocks of me and trying to break down how I became the person I am, emotionally, philosophically, politically, etc. We'll see when I will begin hammering it into reality.