Saturday, August 13th, 2022

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Aug. 13, 2022 - Glowbug's Tag Synonyms


This morning has been nice and relaxed. Had a nice breakfast with family and then had to come back and do some "homework" as I have been tasked with teaching my niece and her son to play the Pokemon card game and I had to refresh on the rules.

After which I played a few games of chess. I lost most of them, so I switched to some coding. Glowbug now handles tag synonyms. If I rename a tag it saves the old tag info so that if I try to recreate that tag, it points to the synonym instead. Should help avoid some silly tag errors from occurring more than once. Hopefully.


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John Carmack on his philosophy in regards to IDEs

John Carmack is one of more famous software developers in the world. He co-founded id Software, makers of Wolfenstein, Doom, etc. This video is pretty deep in computer programming and computer science. Not sure how entertaining it will be for casual bystanders, but hearing him discuss his perspectives in the way to program was something I found interesting.

Fairly early in the video he mentioned "Borland Studios" and hearing that took me back to my highschool C++ coding class where we used Borland. I had been programming in various areas before that class for several years, so I was so far ahead of it that I spent most of the class circumventing the security software on the computer and messing around instead. The teacher quickly realized the curriculum was not going to keep me occupied so he let me get away with it as long as I didn't tell my friends how I did it. (I did tell my friends.)

The computers were largely locked down in early Windows. We could only run very limited software all around what was needed for the class. And I discovered, among them, we had access to Notepad. Then I discovered that the security software had a hole which allowed me to be able to execute software from Notepad. I didn't do anything to hack Notepad, it was just an oversight in the software. In the old days, when you went to open a file in Notepad, you could actually get it to execute rather than open.

I also found the segment at the end when he referred to a week-long trial where he focused on using Vi, which is a very arcane (and powerful!) development software that some people swear by, but it truly is one of the most challenging pieces of software to learn to use. Carmack used Anki, a memorization spaced-repetition tool to learn the keystrokes for it, which is not something I had ever considered.

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"Trump Lawyer Told Justice Dept. That Classified Material Had Been Returned"

At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.

The written declaration was made after a visit on June 3 to Mar-a-Lago by Jay I. Bratt, the top counterintelligence official in the Justice Department’s national security division.

The existence of the signed declaration, which has not previously been reported, is a possible indication that Mr. Trump or his team were not fully forthcoming with federal investigators about the material. And it could help explain why a potential violation of a criminal statute related to obstruction was cited by the department as one basis for seeking the search warrant used to carry out the daylong search of the former president’s home on Monday, an extraordinary step that generated political shock waves.

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A look at the Enlightenment through a lens of footwear fashion

The exhibition opens with an array of men's shoes illustrating how Enlightenment ideals of masculinity have left an indelible footprint on subsequent centuries of men's dress. Honest work was viewed in an increasingly positive light during this period, due in part to mounting criticism of the aristocracy's hereditary power and to the rising influence of the middle class. Manliness became associated with productivity; even noblemen who didn't need to work to survive were expected to participate in politics, manage their estates and hunt. "One of the most profound [notions of masculinity to arise] is that privileged men need to not be the idle rich," says Semmelhack. "They need to actually do something."


As men's shoes shrunk in height, women's heels grew higher and narrower—not to make the wearer look tall, but to create the illusion of smallness. "The purpose of high heels wasn't to elongate the legs; no one saw women's legs," Semmelhack explains. "It was to take the big foot and hide it up under women's skirts, so all that's being seen are tiny, tiny little tips of toes." She points to a pair of early 18th-century shoes adorned with green and silver needlepoint. The toes are sharply pointed to ensure they peer out from beneath a long dress; the high heels are placed under the instep to make the wearer's footprints appear dainty and small.

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California has made lunch free for all K-12 students

I am a big fan of this move and am hoping Washington follows suit soon.

Share to: | Tags: california, us politics, education, poverty

Respond Via Email

I may live to regret this, but for now - given the modest traffic to this blog - I've added a "respond via email" link to every post in an effort to foster conversations and get feedback from readers.

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