Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

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Painting miniatures with very black paint

I woke up from a dream, and that - combined with the fact I have D&D tonight - led me to idly wonder about painting miniatures with Vanta Black. The above video doesn't use Vanta Black, but it uses 'Black 3.0' which is paint marketed for being very black.

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I randomly saw a TikTok about this last night. It's a website which has a new daily logic puzzle for you to solve. They are (thus far for me) all elimination grid logic puzzles. The author of the site also released a book of them, which according to the TikToker also had a plot and narrative as you went through the puzzles.

I'm out of practice at these puzzles, I made a huge whiff when I did the first one last night. This morning I got 3 of the 4. So I am hopeful of getting back on track with these as part of my morning game / puzzle routines.

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Why DisplayPort was a game changer after HDMI

I use DisplayPort on my home PC, but had no idea where it came from or why. This was a fascinating look into it and what it enables.

The DisplayPort (shortened as DP) interface was explicitly designed to be a successor to VGA and DVI, originating from the VESA group – an organization created by multiple computer-display-related players in technology space, which has previously brought us a number of smaller-scale computer display standards like EDID, DDC and the well-known VESA mount. Nevertheless, despite the smaller scale of previous standards, DisplayPort has since become a hit in computer display space for a number of reasons, and is more ubiquitous than you might realize.

You could put it this way – DisplayPort has all the capabilities of interfaces like HDMI, but implemented in a better way, without legacy cruft, and with a number of features that take advantage of the DisplayPort's sturdier architecture. As a result of this, DisplayPort isn't just in external monitors, but also laptop internal displays, USB-C port display support, docking stations, and Thunderbolt of all flavors. If you own a display-capable docking station for your laptop, be it classic style multi-pin dock or USB-C, DisplayPort is highly likely to be involved, and even your smartphone might just support DisplayPort over USB-C these days.

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"Every U.S. President Ranked by How Good They Would Be at Video Games"

This is incredible.

Bottom of the barrel is Teddy Roosevelt at #45:

Teddy Roosevelt practically invented touching grass, and would be horrified at the idea of something like Death Stranding, when he could go outside and walk around with a bunch of shit on his back in real life.

It only goes on from there and is very very funny.

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Automated Archives for July, 11th 2023

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Wallabag Additions

These are articles that which I saved today so that I may read them later. Substance and quality will vary drastically.

Chess For the Day

Record: 3-0-3
Net Elo Change: 0

Games Played

Blog Posts On This Day

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Lake in Canada is considered by scientists as showing the Anthropocene era on Earth

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