Thursday, October 12th, 2023

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Adding the Writing Log to End of Day Automated Entries

As you'll see in today's end of day post, the auto inclusion for tracking my writing log is done. At least for a first draft.

The output is very rudimentary, if I have a writing log entry for the day, then it will insert a header for "Writing Log" and then a sentence giving context to what I did.


Trick wrote 996 words over 40 min. with an average writing speed of 24.9 words per minute.

It has some additional functionality. I can theoretically track work on multiple projects at once, so if I do that it'll add a note for how many projects I worked on. Additionally, it will track my daily streak total if I've written for at least 2 days in a row.

I was thinking about doing a weekly summary every Sunday, but I haven't written that yet. I'll add it to the backlog.

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Automated Archives for October, 12th 2023

This post was automatically generated

Writing Log

Trick wrote 996 words over 40 min. with an average writing speed of 24.9 words per minute.

Chess For the Day

Record: 1-0-3
Net Elo Change: -6

Games Played

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