Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

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A hard goodbye

Today Katie and I sent Elwood across the rainbow bridge.

He was 9 and a half years old, which was a good age for a dane. His health had been in continual gradual decline for the last several years and last weekend we both agreed the time had come. The meds weren't helping as much and his mobility was only worsening.

This past week has been rough with a lot of tears. We'll miss the big guy forever. But we were there with him, holding and loving him as he drifted off to sleep.

We're okay. Emotional, of course. But we know he was suffering and now he's not.

Keanu Reeves' comment about what happens to us after we die rings in my ears, "I know the ones who love us will miss us." And we will miss that big lovable oaf for the rest of our days.

5/23/2024 5:37 pm | | Tags: emotions, big dog life, life, death

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5/23/2024 11:45 pm | | Tags: automated, chess
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