Friday, October 4th, 2024

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Did some programming this morning. Nothing too major, mostly fixing small issues which had been bugging me.

First was improving the layout of the site when viewed on mobile. Just some CSS tweaks there.

Second I re-enabled the integration from my blog an my Wallabag article storage system. This was what enabled articles I'd saved to read later to be added to the automated end-of-day entries. I had broken it doing some stuff on the backend a few months ago and just turned it off rather than fix. So, I've fixed that now.

Third, I've been working on the integration of the blog with the discussion board. My idea is that I can make Glowbug automatically create new threads as well as give me the ability to force it when a post wouldn't normally be given its own thread. It's not complicated, the forum has an API system, but I haven't been able to bring my full focus to it.

10/4/2024 6:53 am | | Tags: glowbug, programming

Fuck Jill Stein

That is all.

10/4/2024 6:57 am | | Tags: us politics, green party

Cory Doctorow on Enshittification

10/4/2024 9:53 am | | Tags: corporate greed, enshittification, cory doctorow

You Need Feeds

I love my RSS feed reader. I currently pull in over 170 sites and have them fed to me. It's a wide array of content from tech blogs and current events to art and comics. I'm in a constant hunger for new things to add to it.

Someone turned me to this site which comes with a number of "starter pack" OPML files, which are XML files you can import into your feed reader and add any number of new feeds for you to get fed.

10/4/2024 9:55 am | | Tags: rss, blogging

12 months learning Mandarin

I really enjoyed this entry highlighting the author's journey of dedicated study of Mandarin Chinese over the past year. The entry referenced "Bloom's two-sigma" which jumped out to me as something to read more about:

Bloom's 2 sigma problem refers to the educational phenomenon that the average student tutored one-to-one using mastery learning techniques performed two standard deviations better than students educated in a classroom environment. It was originally observed by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom and reported in 1984 in the journal Educational Researcher. Bloom's paper analyzed the dissertation results of University of Chicago PhD students Joanne Anania and Joseph Arthur Burke. As quoted by Bloom: "the average tutored student was above 98% of the students in the control class".  Additionally, the variation of the students' achievement changed: "about 90% of the tutored students ... attained the level of summative achievement reached by only the highest 20%" of the control class.

10/4/2024 11:21 am | | Tags: language, chinese

Marvin Upgrade

Marvin, our entertainment home server, got an upgrade today as I added a new hard drive, where the previous 4 TB drive had been reaching its capacity. My Linux admin skills are far from complete, and I had to wrestle with a few things along the way. But, at this moment, files are transferring and backups are being made.

10/4/2024 8:49 pm | | Tags: home networking, computer

What a moron

When I was in middle school, I had a substitute teacher who told us about how the CIA controlled the weather. It was on that day that I realized teachers could be morons.

I can't say I'm shocked that Greene said this.

10/4/2024 9:06 pm | | Tags: us politics, republicans, conspiracy

Automated Archives for October, 4th 2024

This post was automatically generated

Articles To Read

The following are articles that I saved today. Substance and quality will vary drastically.

Chess For the Day

Record: 4-0-3
Net Elo Change: +6

Games Played

Blog Posts On This Day

10/4/2024 11:45 pm | | Tags: automated, longreads, chess
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