I am thrilled that the results in Georgia allow Biden and his team to name Merrick Garland to be Attorney General, though I would still love to see him on the Supreme Court one day if we get the opportunity.
Black & Brown Skin by Malone Mukwende
Found this link on Reddit, it's a growing resource meant for doctors that shows examples of skin diseases and afflictions due to the lack of resources and examples for learning doctors. Most medical textbooks use examples on caucasian skins.
It was not long after my arrival at medical school that I became acutely aware of the lack of clinical teaching provided about conditions as they appear on patients of darker skin. As a black man I found it perplexing that I was being shown images of clinical signs exclusively on Caucasian patients and wondered how I would identify these signs on my own skin as well as any non-white patients I would be treating in the future.
Spending this evening in my recliner, coding on Turk my Lubuntu laptop. I just did some work on Github, updating the repo for my Glowbug codebase, and also doing some digital hygiene updating my Github profile. Then, as I go to make this post, I realize I actually wrote bad code and my first commit in several months is broken.
But, that said, I am reminded how nice it is to be able to spend an evening like this and not be watching the news as the survival of the country feels as if it hangs in the balance. I could get used to living like this. Again. Hopefully.
I was just reminded of my childhood. I was home with my younger sister while our parents were out and because I was a young dumb kid, I struck a match and immediately blew it out. And because fate is a bitch, as I did that my dad came home. He walked back to my room and he smelled the extinguished match. I lied and said I had no idea what he smelled, but soon recanted and admitted my wrong doing. He grounded me for a week. He made me look at pictures of people burned alive. He made me call and talk to a firefighter. There was other stuff at work here, it was a heavy punishment for such a small infraction. But imagine if I had dropped the match and set the house on fire. Nothing bad happened because of the match. But I still got grounded.
This is the correct mentality for punishing and dissuading future behavior. Does it always work? No. But you know what works even less? Not punishing people for dangerous behavior.
People who rioted in the Capitol building should be charged.
An investigation should be made to find wrongdoing amongst police, other law enforcement agencies, as well as congress and every government employee who might be involved with egging this "protest" that became a riot. Including the President.
We went through a deep investigation over Benghazi for weeks. This was on our own soil and destroyed government property, threatened lives, etc.
But you say, some of these people didn't know they broke the law? Guess what happens when you get pulled over for speeding without knowing you're doing it? You get a fucking ticket. Get out of here with the "But they are upstanding citizens" / "They have families" / "This will negatively impact their lives." Miss me with any of those takes.
Today's Glowbug Commits
- Major update commit to bring repo up to date with recent changes. - Decided to get this project back in git, the repo had been created in September when I first started this project and then I made one commit before stopping. So now we're back and up to date.
- Fixing mistake in query to catch dup posts - Yeah, my first big commit included a bug, this fixed it.
- Reversing order of date archive pages to be oldest to newest. - I decided that date archive pages should be chronological instead of newest to oldest.
- Timed pinging server to update blips on page when new post found.
- Cleaning up delete code, only asks for confirmation for 2+ entries
- Created the gitignore file - I thought I had already done this but apparently now
- Created [{embed}] tag for within posts - Now I can embed tweets and YouTube videos inside posts, previously it was only as a URL for a post.
- The frontend style.css is now in the tmpl folder, in git, and publishes
- Fixes for entry templates and css