Science Fiction Is a Luddite Literature
Cory Doctorow (futurist and author) dives in on the large misconception when people think of Luddites. Below was a highlighted passage on Medium and it's just, exactly the issue we deal with today. Capitalism drives greed and rewards the haves and not the have-nots.
Instead, the owners of the factories — whose fortunes had been built on the labor of textile workers — chose to employ fewer workers, working the same long hours as before, at a lower rate than before, and pocketed the substantial savings.
We Have Not Long to Love
By Tennessee Williams
We have not long to love.
Light does not stay.
The tender things are those
we fold away.
Coarse fabrics are the ones
for common wear.
In silence I have watched you
comb your hair.
Intimate the silence,
dim and warm.
I could but did not, reach
to touch your arm.
I could, but do not, break
that which is still.
(Almost the faintest whisper
would be shrill.)
So moments pass as though
they wished to stay.
We have not long to love.
A night. A day....