Saturday, November 30th, 2024

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In & Out (1997) - 3 out of 5 Teacher of the Year Awards

I saw this movie back when it first came out with my dad and sister. He didn't, I don't think, do much research and we went because it was a comedy starring Kevin Klein and Joan Cusack. Little did he know what it was.

It's a cute movie and though it definitely feels dated in its portrayal and handling of homosexuality in a small midwest town, it still made me laugh a number of times.

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The Bookshop: A History of the American Bookstore (2024) - DNF Review

The Bookshop by Evan Friss
The Bookshop by Evan Friss
Bookshop | Amazon

I made it roughly halfway through the book before calling it quits. I found the general segments interesting, but I found it tiresome for the continual jumping around which is necessary for the sweeping history of the bookstore and publishing industry in America.

There was a lot of interesting insights in the book, interspersed with snippets about independent bookstores which sometimes played a part in larger historical narratives the author tells. But there is not chronology to fall back upon as the book often jumps forward and backwards through time between chapters.

I think a lot of people will enjoy the book, but I just ran out of steam on it and am ready to move onto a new book.

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Advent of Code - Day 1: Historian Hysteria

I opted to use PHP as it is what I know best, and I knew the functions it had would be well suited to this problem suite.

My notes after completing today's challenge:

Nailed the first part on the first run. The second one had two issues which I had to correct after 1 incorrect submission. First, I only skimmed the directions (shame on me) and I assumed that they wanted me to only compare unique numbers in the left column. Second was a bug on my part of not trimming off the new line when reading in from the text file.

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Automated Archives for November, 30th 2024

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Articles To Read

The following are articles that I saved today. Substance and quality will vary drastically.

Chess For the Day

Record: 0-0-2
Net Elo Change: -13

Games Played

Blog Posts On This Day

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