Boardgaming Monday
Yesterday, to distract, and take advantage of a friend in from out of town, four of us got together and spent the afternoon into the evening playing Feast for Odin: The Norwegians. As I posted on Bluesky, I continue to be aggressively mediocre at the game. I managed to get 3rd out of four, which is good as I am reliably one of the worst at boardgames in my playgroup.
This morning's work music
I don't always go for lo-fi music. I actually have a few go-to videos but this morning I felt I needed something more chill.
"Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech Oligarchy"
If it wasn’t already obvious, the last 72 hours have made it crystal clear that it is urgent to build and mainstream alternative, decentralized social media platforms that are resistant to government censorship and control, are not owned by oligarchs and dominated by their algorithms, and in which users own their follower list and can port it elsewhere easily and without restriction.
Relevant to this, I came across this excellent resource for helping people get onto Mastodon and find their community.
I am curious to find someone more knowledgeable than me to dive into the technological implementations of both fediverse and atprotocol infrastructure to understand the longterm prospects for both. My current (ill informed) belief is that fediverse has the better underlying protocol, but Bluesky has the easier onboarding which has given it the short term growth that makes it a more viable longterm option.
Ichiro Suzuki Becomes First Asian Elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame with 99.75% of the Vote
I am not a big baseball fan. And I haven't really adopted the Mariners as my baseball team. But I loved Ichiro and seeing highlights. He was just clearly someone doing what he loved at an extremely high level.
I love this stat about his career:
Only once in his MLB career did Ichiro finish a game with his career batting average below .300. That came when he took an 0-for-4 in his second game as a rookie, making him 2-for-9 (.222) overall. He promptly went 2-for-4 in the next game and never looked back.
I had heard the stat before but I couldn't remember it exactly. I had to do some googling and found this article from 2019 with 20 facts about Ichiro.
Automated Archives for January, 21st 2025
This post was automatically generated.
Articles To Read
The following are articles that I saved today. Substance and quality will vary drastically.
Chess For the Day
Record: 4-0-5
Net Elo Change: -7
Games Played
- Davidoff30 - LOSS
- owis_7 - LOSS
- FunkyTurtle - LOSS
- Sammy031 - WIN
- V1ktoR101 - WIN
- Bobbbiii - WIN
- Hercuzeus - WIN
- Nautz82 - LOSS
- reginart - LOSS
Blog Posts On This Day
- January 21, 2024 (1 post)
- January 21, 2023 (6 posts)
- January 21, 2021 (9 posts)