Monday, February 3rd, 2025

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Last night I had a dream that was partial anxiety dream. I was at some sort of event and I needed three types of papers to get through. I feel like they were medical, like my doctor needed to write a note, and then two other things. I had them and then of course as I get to the front of the line I suddenly didn't have them.

It was a weird dream because I wasn't stressed. I was annoyed. I knew, for a fact, that I could just print off my papers again. It just would mean going through the queue line again.


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Augustus Jackson (1808-1852)

Portrait of Augustus Jackson

Courtesy of my friend Lucas, who in turn got it from a coworker who sends out interesting profiles as part of Black History Month.

Ice cream innovator Augustus Jackson was born on April 16, 1808, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He began working at the White House in Washington D.C. when he was just nine years old and worked as a chef there for twenty years, from 1817 until 1837. Jackson cooked for Presidents James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson. His presidential food preparation extended from cooking comfort food for the presidents’ families to preparing formal meals at state dinners for visiting dignitaries.

In 1837, Augustus Jackson left Washington D.C. and returned to his hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he opened his own catering and confectioner business. A savvy businessman, over time Jackson became one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Philadelphia, acquiring his fortune making ice cream. Although ice cream has been around since the 4th century B.C.E. originating from Persia (Iran), Jackson is known for his ice cream making technique and his inventive ice cream recipes.

That innovative ice cream manufacturing technique led to his unprecedented success. Most early ice cream recipes used eggs, but Jackson devised an eggless recipe. He also added salt to the ice, mixing it with his new flavors and cream. The salt made his delicious flavors taste better and lowered the temperature of the ice cream allowing it to be kept colder for a longer time. This helped with packaging and shipping. Jackson’s technique is still used today.

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"February 2, 2025"

Her historian nature makes this writing entirely too dispassionate and emotionless.

Billionaire Elon Musk’s team yesterday took control of the Treasury’s payment system, thus essentially gaining access to the checkbook with which the United States handles about $6 trillion annually and to all the financial information of Americans and American businesses with it. Apparently, it did not stop there.

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